Have you just completed graduation? Are you interested to teach English aboard? If yes, then this blog can help you out. A TEFL Certificate will let you teach in the private language schools. Nearly all government-aided schools like to recruit teaches who have graduation and TEFL certificate. If you only have a TEFL certificate it is best to teach at hotels as it pays better than the usual schools. In general, a TEFL certification course is of 4 weeks long and it can be easily obtained from where you want to teach English. The course is comparatively detailed and is intended to offer a good base and beginning to teaching English in addition to training practice with genuine learners of English. After you complete the course your teaching skills, understanding and experience are improved as you are in point of fact teaching. You can get your TEFL certificate from Italy, Thailand, Spain, Japan as well as Costa Rica. You can also opt for online TEFL certification course. Th...